Euroblend 2020 z Birrificio Ca del Brado

Browar Birrificio Ca del Brado

Miejsce Dürer Kert / BPBW

Styl Sour


Opis Kooperacja z Freigeist Bierkultur i Brekeriet


Smoked sour ale in collaboration with Freigeist Bierkultur and Brekeriet Beer AB. Euroblend 2020 is a blend between 1) a 100% Bruxellensis brett beer aged for 5 months in Ca' del Brado cellar inside open vessels (Ca' del Brado), 2) a spontaneous fermentation aged for 15 months in bourbon barrels (Brekeriet) and 3) a 100% smoked malt beer spontaneously fermented and aged for one year in barrels (Freigeist)
